Monday, October 22, 2007

Sketchbook Excerpt 22: The Punisher

Felt like drawing some superhero cheesiness.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Sketchbook Logos 1: Logo "Self-Portrait"

Something a little different, to show everyone that it's not all just about the pretty faces.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Deviant Art: Mass Post

I've decided to post some oldies but goodies from my Deviant Art page, mainly because my girlfriend, Penny, informed me that my old stuff was "better" than the drawings I'm putting up on my blog now. That's nice to know, that you're getting worse with time...

I'm kidding; I like these images myself, even though I like my new stuff better, but I always like the new stuff best -- don't most artists.

Three pages from a short story comic that I did:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Deviant Art Excerpt 1: Crosshatching Experiment

An old image from my Deviant Art gallery that I still like.

Sketchbook Excerpt 3: Boxer

Deviant Art

This is my Deviant Art gallery. I'll be posting the best images from that gallery on my blog as time goes by, but I thought I'd just post the address for now. Please go have a look, but be warned, it's mostly old work.

Sketchbook Excerpt 2: Girl Looking Over Shoulder

Sketchbook Excerpt 1: Girl Looking Up